The site plan which can be found on this page, has been produced for home identification purposes only and is not to scale. The development layout, landscaping and tenure of all dwellings may be subject to change throughout the course of the development. Finishes and materials may vary from those shown on the plan. Please check the details of your chosen plot and house type with the sales consultant. Development layout plan correct at time of production.
Illustrations shown are computer generated impressions of how the property may look so are indicative only, please refer to sales consultant for specific plot details. External details or finishes may vary on individual plots and homes may be built in either detached or attached styles depending on the development layout. Exact specifications, window styles and whether a property is left or right handed may differ from plot to plot.
*Source HBF Watt a Save report
+Deposit contribution offer is paid up to the agreed amount on a selected plot and can not exceed 5% of the property purchase price, available on our selected new build homes only and limited to reservations made by 31st March 2025 and legal completion must take place by 30th September 2025. Please contact one of our sales consultants for details of which homes are covered, the amount of the deposit contribution and for further details. Purchaser’s taking advantage of this offer must claim at the time of reserving a property from us and it must be recorded on the Reservation Form. Subject to individual lender terms and conditions. Not in conjunction with any other offer or discount and conditional on paying full asking price unless otherwise stated. An agreed contribution amount will be deducted from the completion statement, and can not be arranged as a cash back incentive. Also, the contribution may not reduce the amount of stamp duty land tax payable. The offer is conditional upon the purchase proceeding to legal completion.
**Spend Your Way Offer available on selected plots only for a limited time. Offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and reservation must be taken o by 31st March 2025 and legal completion must take place by 30th September 2025. Cnnot be exchanged for cash. Subject to lender’s approval. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer, discount, promotion or scheme. Maximum cash incentive cannot exceed 5% of the property purchase price. Items already installed as an upgraded specification in selected home cannot be switched for new items, no cash alternative. To take advantage of this offer you must claim before reserving a property from us. An agreed contribution amount will be deducted from the completion statement, and can not be arranged as a cash back incentive. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any other debt secured on it. Subject to individual lender terms and conditions. Our usual reservation and sales terms and conditions also apply. Please speak to one of our sales consultants for more details.
±Stamp Duty Paid/ Or Stamp Duty contribution of up to £15,000 paid on our selected new build homes only and limited to reservations made by 31st March 2025 and legal completion must take place by 30th June 2025. Please contact one of our sales consultants s for details of which homes are covered and the amount of the contribution. Purchaser’s taking advantage of this offer must claim at the time of reserving a property from us and it must be recorded on the Reservation Form. An agreed contribution amount will be deducted from the completion statement, and can not be arranged as a cash back incentive. The offer is conditional upon the purchase proceeding to legal completion. Subject to individual lender terms and conditions. Not in conjunction with any other offer or discount and conditional on paying full asking price unless otherwise stated.
110% Home Exchange is available on our selected new build homes only, subject to contract and eligibility criteria. We reserve the right to refuse to agree to Home Exchange of your current home and we are under no obligation to give reasons why. Home Exchange is also subject to the terms of your Reservation Agreement with us. As a guide, your current home to be exchanged with the new home must not be worth more than 75% of the value of your chosen new home. To take advantage of this offer you must claim before reserving a property from us and this offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer, discount, promotion or scheme. Offer may be withdrawn at any time prior to reservation. We may also require evidence of your financial ability to proceed with the purchase of a new home from us. You are not obliged to accept any offer we make for your current home. Before we make you an offer for your current home, we will instruct a minimum of two local estate agents to undertake an independent valuation based on securing a buyer within a specified selling period determined by us at the relevant time, taking in consideration local market supply. Based on these independent valuations carried out by our appointed agents, you will receive an offer of a 110% value for your current home. Our consultants may also visit your current home. We will then determine our offer (at our sole discretion) which will be subject to:
You being financially qualified by an independent mortgage advisor nominated by us to proceed with the intended purchase of your chosen new home.
Us receiving a satisfactory home buyers survey of and legal due diligence on your current home.
You legally exchanging contracts to purchase your chosen new home from us within the period specified in the Reservation Agreement.
On accepting our price for your current home, you will need to pay a reservation fee and complete a Reservation Agreement to reserve your new home from us, also completing legally required AML check. You will also need to complete a Home Exchange form in relation to your current home. On reservation of your chosen new home, we will organise a home buyers survey of your current home and our appointed estate agents will market your current home. You are responsible for any previous arrangements with your own estate agents appointed by you. Reservation fees may not be refunded if cancellation by you occurs once the home buyers survey has been instructed or if you do not exchange within the agreed reservation period. You agree access to your current home for accompanied viewings for potential buyers with the appointed estate agents. You agree to ensure your current home is kept clean and tidy during this period and in a presentable condition to facilitate viewings to potential purchasers. You can stay in your current home until your new home is ready and a notice to legally complete is issued by us specifying the legal completion date. The dates for exchange and completion of your purchase of the new home from us must be the same as those on selling your current home to us. Not applicable to second homeowners or investor purchasers. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any other debt secured on it. Subject to individual lender terms and conditions. Our usual reservation and sales terms and conditions also apply. Please speak to one of our sales consultants for more details.